
Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday's Catch: The Windrush Generation, the UK Church, and More

African and West Indian Christians Are Changing the UK Church [Podcast]

How God is working through the Windrush generation and beyond. Listen Now

What Your Church Needs to Know about Abuse Reporting Laws

The purpose of this post is to provide you with information regarding state laws on mandatory reporting of child abuse, statute of limitations for criminal acts of abuse, and age of consent laws. The content in this appendix is provided for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Read More

10 Things to Know about What the Bible Teaches on God and Human Government

The following is adapted from J. Budziszewski, Evangelicals in the Public Square: Four Formative Voices on Political Thought and Action (Baker Academic, 2006). Read More

Leading Others Well

There are two methods I have found to be the most effective forms of leadership. Read More

What Are the Requirements to Be an Elder?

In 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:6–9, the apostle Paul sets forth a number of characteristics that men must possess in order to be pastors, elders, overseers, shepherds. (In the New Testament, these terms are all equivalent—elder connotes the man’s dignity and standing; overseer his function and duty; pastor his calling of shepherding, protecting, and feeding of the flock through teaching.) Read More

Eight Updates on Sunday Evening Services [Podcast]

We’ve discussed Sunday evening services before on the blog and podcast, but things haven’t changed much in local churches. The services are still declining on the whole. Today, we update you as to why that is. Listen Now

Matt Smethurst--Before You Open Your Bible: Nine Heart Postures for Approaching God's Word [Podcast]

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave Jenkins and Matt Smethurst discuss how Christians should approach the Word of God to stoke worship and fuel their mission, what Word-centered friendship looks like, along with his book, Before You Open Your Bible: Nine Heart Postures For Approaching God’s Word (10ofThose, 2019). Watch or Listen Now

Imperative: Preparing for Worship

My goal in this post is to direct you to other posts to help you prepare for worship. I pray at least one of these posts will be helpful to you.... Read More

3 Tips for Teaching the Bible to Middle School Students

Here are the three main things I look to accomplish in every Bible study. Read More

What’s the Point of Children’s Ministry if Children Don’t Come To Church?

Does our time serving the children at church even matter? Read More

Few Churchgoers Regularly Talk about Their Faith with Other Christians

Spiritual topics aren’t a part of regular conversations with fellow believers for many Protestant churchgoers, but most seem at least somewhat confident others know they’re a Christian. Read More

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