
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Josiah Hensen, a True Servant of God, and More

Before ‘Uncle Tom’ Was a Bestseller, He Was Josiah Henson

Born into slavery, this preacher and Underground Railroad conductor served as the inspiration for a history-making book. Read More

How Ministry Differs on the East and West Coasts [Video]

In this video, Jeremy Treat points out that the religious pluralism of the western US is different from the religious agnosticism and atheism of the eastern US. Watch Now
There is much more religious and spiritual diversity here in Murray than in other communities in the Jackson Purchase, except perhaps Paducah. We have a Mormon Temple, a Christian Science Reading Room, a mosque, a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall, and a witches' coven, as well as a wide variety of Christian churches, ranging from very liberal to very conservative. We did have a psychic reader. However, we do not have the diversity that West Coast communities have.
Five Intriguing Updates on Generation Z and Churches [Podcast]

America’s next generation, Gen Z, is starting to influence and shape the church. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe look at five specific characteristics of this generation and how they are influencing the church. Listen Now

7 Ways to Shepherd the Terminally Ill

There’s something about vulnerable, compassionate service in the name of Christ, dependent on the help of the Spirit, that allays such fears. The Lord has called elders to shepherd the flock, even those sheep facing the immediacy of death. How should we shepherd terminally ill church members? Read More

Translation for the Tribes

What depresses me about Bible translation debates today is tribalism. Some have raised the bar of this conversation to such heights that variation is tantamount to heresy. Read More
The church in which I am presently involved requires the use of the KJV. When it drew up its bylaws, it put that requirement in the bylaws. The jurisdiction with which it is affiliated permits the use of a number of more recent translations, including the NIV. Most of young people with whom I am acquainted do not understand the language of the KJV. They are not interested in learning it. The foreign exchange students who are learning English as a second language particularly have trouble understanding the language of the KJV. They also struggle with the language of the 1928 BCP and the plays and poetry of William Shakespeare. When I pointed this to the attention of the senior warden and suggested that the church switch to a more recent translation, he rejected the suggestion out of hand. The church's average Sunday attendance is 8 people. Tribalism is not funny. It can kill a church!
3 Ways to Integrate Children Into Your Groups

One of the many challenges that Community Groups face is how to handle children in the community. We have a key conviction that children should be included and seen as members of the Community Group. Read More
The cell church and house church literature offer ideas for integrating children into small groups. A number of leaders in the cell church and house church movements have also published resources for use with children in a small group context.
Meditation Apps and the Gospel of Self-Optimization

How has the use of meditation change in our secular age? And why, despite its ease and popularity, does it leave us impoverished? Read More

An Unexpected Strategy for Reaching the Muslim World

We have a God-ordained missional instrument to make the gospel of Christ known in the Muslim world. Her name is the bride of Christ. Read More

The Dirty Dozen: Some Thoughts on Why We Stink at Evangelism

When I say that “we” stink at evangelism, I’m not talking about all of you. Some of you, I hope many of you, excel at sharing your faith with non-Christians. But most of us do not. It may sound offensive, but let’s be honest: we stink at evangelism. At least I do. But I don’t want to. My desire to be more faithful and vocal in sharing the gospel with the lost has led me to identify what I call the Dirty Dozen. These are the twelve reasons why we are less than faithful in making known the glory of the gospel to those who otherwise have no hope in this life or the next. Read More

How to Get Excited Talking to Others about Jesus

While this may sound like a funny anecdote about an insignificant matter, it leaves me feeling a bit convicted. It’s so easy for me to tell others about this doughnut shop I like—with exuberance, no less—but when it comes to speaking to others about Jesus, I’m much less forthcoming. And so I wonder, what if I spoke to others with as much excitement about Jesus as I do about the breakfast egg roll? Read More

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