
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Tokyo's 'Homes for Solitary Death' and More

How Tokyo's Suburban Housing Became Vast Ghettoes for the Old

They have no lifts, shops or medical services – yet they are home to mostly poor, elderly people. Guardian Cities and the Waseda Chronicle investigate Tokyo’s massive 'homes for solitary death.' Read More
When I read articles like this one, I think to myself, here is an untapped opportunity for ministry and advocacy for Japanese Christians. Visiting the elderly, praying for them, being with with them when they are dying are just a few ways that they might minister to them. Perhaps Japanese Christians are already ministering to them but I am not reading about it. A solitary death is a sad thing--to die alone and forgotten. Ministering to these people, I believe, is something that Jesus would want his followers to do. Their families may no longer care about them but Jesus' family should love them as he would have us love all people.
“Small Churches Are Lazy!” “Big Churches Are Compromised!” (5 Steps To Overcome Those Unfair Stereotypes)

Find the good. It’s there. Even in churches that may not be your cup of tea. Read More

8 Common Characteristics of Successful Church Revitalizations [Video]

Thom Rainer examines eight common characteristics of successful church revitalizations. Watch Now

Don’t Cancel Your Church Services

The real problem is that our ecclesiology — the doctrine of the church — has become weak. Read More

How to Avoid a Preaching Rut

I’m not sure it would work the same for everyone, but I often get into a rut because I’m in a pattern in the way that I present information. Read More

The Great Commission and 3 Types of Churches

The vast majority of church leaders embrace the Great Commission. There has been some discussion and debate thought around whether a single church is responsible for all aspects of the Great Commission (the reaching side and the teaching side). For example, some church leaders have said things like “we focus exclusively on the first half of the Great Commission.” There are three types of churches in relation to the Great Commission. Read More

7 Surprising Trends in Global Christianity in 2019

Instead of evaluating Christianity based on a local or even national perspective, a global vantage point can provide a better picture of the status of the faith. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary regularly publishes the Status of Global Christianity. Evaluating their research and predictions provides an encouraging and potential surprising picture for the current and future state of Christianity. Read More

Church’s Rental Money to Be Used to Fund LGBT Events (AISD)

The Austin Independent School District (AISD) has decided to take some of the funds it has received from a local church and put them toward LGBT-related activities, including Austin’s annual Pride parade. The decision comes after months of protests from gay rights advocates, who want the district to stop renting its facilities to organizations that do not support gay marriage. Read More
A new challenge that churches renting space from school districts and other local government bodies face.

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