
Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday's Catch: Pray for New England's Awakening and More

New England Cities Named Most ‘Post-Christian’

Barna’s rankings spur pastors in secularizing spots—in the Northeast and across the country—to continue working and praying for revival. Read More
Here in the Jackson Purchase, in westernmost Kentucky, the region in which the city of Paducah is located, nominal Christianity may be a greater challenge than post-Christianity.
How to Bust Down the Walls of Your Church and Join God to Reach Your City

There’s more happening in your city than meets the eye. It can be easy to think God’s activity is confined to what we see in our single church congregation or non-profit organization. But do you know how to view God at work at work to reach your city? Our team—City Gospel Movements at Palau—champions leaders who are not content running programs in the four walls of their church. These leaders are restless to see local churches unite and work together for the peace and prosperity of their city. Read More

Inside a Church Growing from Less than 100 to Almost 2,000 in 5 Years with Mark Zweifel [Podcast]

In this Unseminary podcast Pastor Mark Zweifel of True North Church in Fairbanks, Alaska talk about the journey that led him to apply for pastoring at True North and what were some of the early steps Mark took serving at the church. True North is an 80 year old church and when Mark first came to the church, he was the fourth pastor in four years and there were fewer than 100 people attending. Almost five years later the attendance grew to over 1600 on Sundays. Listen Now

Five Things that Keep Churches from Changing

Leading a church into revitalization is a daunting task. It takes much prayer, grace, and strength. Churches that need revitalization have often drifted into a place of complacency. The change they need often comes about because of a cathartic moment. Read More

Why the Pendulum on Church Metrics May Be Swinging Too Far [Podcast]

There is a pendulum swing in church leadership circles as it relates to the viewpoint of church metrics. Numbers and tracking numbers aren’t inherently bad, but they can be abused. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss this swing and the negative sentiments often associated with it. Listen Now

When Metrics Become Your Master

Data is a great friend, but a horrible king. Read More

Jesus, Did You Know?

Did Jesus know all there was to know about who he was as God’s Son? And, if so, did Jesus know everything? After all, as the Nicene Creed says, he’s “very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father.” Read More

Did Jesus Preach the Gospel to People in Hell during the Two Days He Was Dead?

Does the Bible tell us where Jesus went for the three days between his crucifixion and resurrection? Down through the ages, some Christians have taught that during these two days between Good Friday and Easter morning Jesus went to Hades and preached the gospel to people there. ​Read More

5 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Church Website

To help you assess whether your church website is serving a purpose and not collecting dust, here are five things your site should accomplish—today. Read More

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