
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday's Catch: To Reboot or to Revitalize? and More

9 Questions To Ask Before Rebooting Or Revitalizing A Church

Rebooting or revitalizing an existing church is a huge undertaking. But when it’s done well, it’s extremely rewarding. Read More

It's Time For A Church Transition: Should The Pastor Leave? Hand Off? Or Reboot?

No church should be so reliant on one person that it’s at risk of collapse when that person leaves. Even if that person is the pastor. Read More

Six Common Reasons Revitalization or a Replant Never Get Started

Revitalization and replanting require changes to be made. Not all church members like this change and will resist. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howewe cover six reasons why. Listen Now

Why Latinos Are the Church of Tomorrow

The Latino demographic is experiencing explosive growth, and the church must take notice. Read More

9 Things You Should Know About the Bethel Church Movement

TGC Australia recently published an article examining the theology and practice of the Bethel movement. The Awakening Australia event—and its main speaker, Bill Johnson—are increasing the awareness of the controversial church throughout the continent. Here are nine things you should know about the Johnsons and the Bethel movement. Read More

11 Deadly Mistakes That Take The Preaching Focus Away From Jesus

Help your people focus on God and think on God when they leave your service--here are 11 traps to avoid. Read More

How to Make Sermon Illustrations Memorable

Most pastors and Bible teachers immediately recognize the power of a well-told illustration. It engages the heart of those listening and allows the mind’s eye to see truth through the application of something familiar. Ignoring the use of skillfully chosen illustrations in your sermons will lessen their effectiveness and cause people to think your preaching is boring or uninteresting. Read More

7 Vital Ingredients In Any Preaching Calendar

Investing a few more hours three months in advance, or a few weeks in advance will increase the quality of your preaching moment. Read More

Paul Went to the Third Heaven. What in the World Is He Talking About?

Somewhat apologetically, Paul describes himself as a man “in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven” (2 Cor 12:2). What in the world is he talking about? Or better: what in heaven is he talking about? Read More

Singing the Gospel: Three Questions for Worship Song Selection

Whether you are a professional musician or a youth pastor simply trying to organize your student worship times, as a song selector you have the weighty privilege of choosing words to put into the mouths of your students. It is imperative that those words are true, clear, understandable, and gospel-rich, meaning they reflect the way God has saved sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The songs we sing have the capacity to communicate love and truth—or ambiguity and confusion. So where do we begin as we filter through the oceans (pun intended) of readily available worship music? Read More
The principles of worship song selection discussed in this article are also applicable to your church's worship gatherings on Sundays and at other times.
5 Questions to Discern God's Will

To know and do God’s will, lead your people to ask the following five questions, which I’ve adapted from Bruce Waltke’s book, Finding the Will of God: A Pagan Notion? Read More

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