
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday's Catch: An Exciting Future for Church Planting and More

An Exciting Future for Church Planting

The three phases of churches planting churches. Read More

Engaging an Ever-Changing Culture With a Never-Changing Gospel

People have a tendency to get willfully locked into their way of doing ministry. In so doing, we end up loving the particular way that we do church more than the particular people our church has been called to reach. Read More

10 Characteristics of Movemental Christianity

In the West, if and when we see movements of churches planting 1,000 churches in their lifetime, then we believe the following ten characteristics will be present. Based on our observations, movemental Christianity will have some of these characteristics. Read More

Revitalizing a Church from Your Leadership Strength

Leadership skills and knowing who you are as a leader are important as you lead a revitalization. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss the 12 types of leaders in a revitalization. Read More

5 Ways You Can Start Hearing From God

God speaks in as many different ways as there are people to hear him. Here are some of his most common forms of communication and how you can start hearing from God. Read More

Why Reaching the LGBTQ Community Starts With Relationships

Sharing Christ starts with getting to know LGBTQ people. Read More

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