
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Take This Summer to Help Your Church Grow and More

5 Actions to Take This Summer to Help Your Church Grow

Fewer knocks on your door mean that summertime can be the perfect time for church leaders to engage in new activities to help their churches grow. With that in mind, here are five actions you can take in the coming weeks to help your church grow during this season and in seasons to come. Read More

7 Reasons Your Church Should Partner with A Christian Camp

I firmly believe that Christian camps are ministries that churches should work with closely—and here’s why.... Read More

Congregational Care: A Guide to Building a Caring and Effective Ministry

It’s impossible for one person to provide all of the congregational care. The Bible doesn’t support this belief, and it’s practically impossible for any single human being to provide care to a large group of people. Think about it. Read More

Five Reasons for Failure When Leading Change [Video]

In this Rainer Report Thom Rainer examines five reasons why our efforts to lead change may fail. Watch Now

What to Look for in Church Technology

While each church’s workflow and order of service is different, and every tech solution may not fit every congregation, there are some non-negotiable features you should look for in every potential technology buy.... Read More

Sold: The Business of Sex Trafficking

Sold by traffickers, trapped for years and raped many times a day … this is the life of tens of thousands of underage girls in Bangladesh. We hear their stories.... Read More

Christians Should Desire the Salvation of All People Because God Does

Every Christian should desire that all people repent and come to a knowledge of the truth. And we should do so because God desires the same. Read More

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