
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: 6 Keys to Reproducing Normal-Size Churches and More

6 Keys to Reproducing Normal-Size Churches

All churches can, and should, reproduce. Read More

Six Ways Toxic Members Deter Invitations to Church [Podcast]

When toxic members are present in a church, resources are spent on overcoming the fallout of toxic members. As a result, members are less likely to invite others to church. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe explain six reasons why. Listen Now

5 Communication Tactics That Make or Break Your Ministry

The way you convey new ideas to your team can make or break a campaign or initiative. In a church setting, this is even more vital as you are usually leading a mix of paid staff, volunteers, and the larger congregation, all of whom live busy, distracted lives. Read More

How to Improve Your Decision-Making Ability

Leaders must make lots of decisions. Here’s how to stay sharp. Read More
I have been practicing metacognition for years. I learned it as a technique when I was a social worker. But this article is the first time I have come across this term for the practice.
Preach The Tone Of The Text To Bring The Truth Of The Text

A key way to guard from selling-out the truth during in the pulpit is to preach the tone of the text. Read More

7 Reasons We Preachers and Teachers Need to Practice Reading the Word of God Aloud

In my preaching class as a student, the professor required us to stand before the class and read a Scripture passage. He critiqued each of us for our reading. At the time, I thought the exercise was an unnecessary, if not demeaning, one. Now many years later, I’m convinced the professor took us in the right direction. Here’s why we need to practice reading the text aloud before we teach it publicly.... Read More

How to Listen to a Sermon

What is the right way to listen to a sermon? With a soul that is prepared, a mind that is alert, a Bible that is open, a heart that is receptive, and a life that is ready to spring into action. Read More

Africa’s Accelerating Disciple-Making Movement

The church in Africa is mirroring the early church in innovative ways. Read More

You Don't Accidentally Evangelize: If You Don’t Prioritize It, It Won’t Happen

We need to bring intentionality to our gospel witness today. Read More

Christians Fleeing Persecution in Russia Can Stay in Germany

Faced with mounting threats and anti-missionary laws, Baptists win asylum appeal despite supposed constitutional protections in their home country. Read More

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