
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: 3 Reasons Your Church Is At Risk of Decline and More

3 Reasons Your Church Is At Risk of Decline

Through my personal examination of this, there are three primary factors that make American local churches fragile. Read More

Seven Reasons for Optimism in the American Church [Video]

In this Rainer Report Thom Rainer gives seven reasons to be optimistic about the future of the American Church. Watch Now

How To Tell If A Church Is Too Big – Or Too Small

It’s never about the size of the church. It’s about the size of the mission. Read More

Must-Know Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Your Children’s Ministry

Emergencies occur every day. We can’t stop them from happening, but can do our best to be prepared. Are you prepared with your emergency evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency? Read More

God Blessed My Church with Migrants

I don’t want to imagine my community without faithful leaders like Cesar Quintero. Read More

Signs of the Enemy's Attack on People

Earlier this week, I wrote on ways the enemy attacks the church. In this post, I want to suggest some anecdotal signs of attack I’ve seen on individuals– particularly, if not primarily, on those Christian leaders who are taking steps of faith to get the gospel to a lost world.... Read More

5 Words That Strengthen Any Sermon

Over the years, as I have monitored my own preaching and observed others, I have come to realize how intentionally using a few key words will strengthen most any sermon. For example, consider these five. Read More

Christians, It’s Time to Go on the Offensive

If we are to be faithful in this cultural moment, we must be neither retreaters nor attackers, neither (needlessly) defensive nor (faithlessly) aggressive. Instead, we must go on a “gentle offensive.” Here are five things that will help. Read More

How to Boldly—and Gently—Reach Our Culture

We must be “gentle aggressors” who do not wait for people to come to us, but go to them with the gospel. Read More

Persecution of Early Rain Church Continues Unchecked

Pastor Wang Yi of Early Rain Church in China is still imprisoned. Originally being held and investigated for “incitement to subvert state power,” the 46-year-old pastor is now being charged with running “illegal business activities.” Meanwhile, members of the church who have been released from prison report brutal beatings and continued surveillance. Read More

Americans Who Know Religion Best Hold Worse Views of Evangelicals

Pew: Religious literacy usually helps Americans appreciate other faiths. Evangelicals score highest when it comes to their own. Read More

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