
Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Church Next Door and More

The Church Next Door

The cell church/house church movement today is a desire to return to the New Testament when the church met where the people lived. Rather than a “come and see” strategy, cell ministry is a yearning to take the church next door. Lawrence Khong writes in The Apostolic Cell Church, “The devil wants to trap us within the four walls of the church. Criminals don’t care if the policeman is pushing papers-as long as he’s not out on the street” (p. 38). Read More

What Calvin Might Say to Church Planters Today

Have you ever wondered what it would’ve been like to plant a church in 16th-century Geneva? Imagine starting a new church at the center of what’s come to be known as the Protestant Reformation. At the very least, it would’ve been nice to talk with John Calvin (and others) about life and pastoral ministry. Read More

5 Types of Pastors Who Bungle Abuse in the Church

Jennifer Michelle Greenberg describes five pastor types who bungle abuse and explains why. Read More
Significantly more physical, emotional, and sexual abuse goes on that gets reported. Abusers can be highly respected members of the church and the community. Pastors need to learn more about abuse, become advocates for the abused, and not become an accomplice in the abuse.
The Growing Danger Of Assigning Guilt By Association

How can we effect change if we can’t find common ground with people who see things differently? Read More

The Westminster Statement on Biblical Sexuality

Given some of these recent arguments against the PCA's decision to declare the Nashville Statement to be biblically faithful, I thought it would be helpful to look at the clarity of the Westminster Standards, specifically as to what our standards have to say about sexual ethics and the ordering of sexual desires. Read More

3 Ways Young Pastors Can Survive Ageism

Young pastors sometimes encounter a strange form of ageism. People gaze at them with a curious mix of suspicion and hesitancy, intrigue and hopeful excitement. Read More
Older men also encounter ageism particularly in churches which are seeking to project a young image and to attract the younger generations.
3 Things Pastors Must Learn from Teachers

When I think about the influential teachers in my life, there are at least three lessons I must apply to being a pastor. Read More

9 Reasons We Preachers Need to Say "Thank You" Today

It’s easy for we preachers to sometimes get focused on only the negatives of ministry. Church members can be headaches, and trying to reach people seems like an uphill battle. On the other hand, we have plenty of reasons to be thankful to be preachers today. Here are some of them.... Read More

Preaching, Theology, and Writing with Thomas Schreiner [Video]

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's Dr Herschel York sits down with SBTS's Dr. Thomas Schreiner to discuss preaching, theology, and writing. Watch Now

The Ridiculous Emphasis Christians Place on Bible Study

Brian Jones argues that Christians spend too much time studying the Bible and not enough time living out its teachings. Read More
J. I. Packer addresses this issue in his book, Hot Tub Religion: Christian Living in a Materialistic World, in which he compares what he calls "sit and soak Christians" to sponges. They absorb more and more of God's Word until they are swollen with the Word but very little if any of the Word leaks out into their lives. Indeed they may have come to believe that studying the Scriptures is a good work which is pleasing to God and earns them merit with God. The Scriptures, on the other hand, teach that obedience to God, being doers of the Word, not hearers only, is what is pleasing to God.
8 Basic Ways to Love Your Neighbor

If you walk outside your front door, could you name every person who lives within sight? Is it fair to say that if we are going to love our neighbors we need to know them first? Here are a few ways Janet and I try to live out the second Great Commandment in our Nashville neighborhood.... Read More

A Disappearing Missionary Impulse

We should empower all of God’s people to dream as missionaries again. Read More

Christian Family Details Crackdown on Church in China

The Sunday service this week at an unassuming church in Taiwan was especially moving for one man. It was the first time Liao Qiang had worshipped publicly since authorities shut down his church in China seven months ago. Read More

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