
Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday's Catch: The 5 Components of a Healthy Church and More

Assembling the Five Components of a Healthy Church

Everyone wants to be a part of a healthy church, but not everyone knows how to get there. There are numerous resources available on what a healthy church is and what a healthy church should look like. But, if we were to boil it down to five necessary components, what would they be and what would that puzzle look like? Read More

Six Reasons Longevity Is Critical for Change Leadership

Change in a church does not happen overnight. Leading a group of people to change takes time. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe look at six reasons why longevity is so critical to change. Read More

7 Reasons It's Tough to Stop Being Negative

You probably know somebody like this—that person who’s negative about just about everything. It’s almost as if this brother or sister would see something bad even if God rained down His blessings. There are multiple reasons for this attitude (including these I posted two years ago), but I also think it’s really hard to change this attitude, whether it’s ours or someone else’s. Here’s why.... Read More

Preaching Through Depression

Seasons of emotional darkness are no respecter of persons, but there is hope. Read More

Screens Are Changing the Way We Read Scripture

As digital reading habits rewire our brains, how will we process the Bible differently? Read More

What Missionaries Can Teach Us in Post-Christian America

Three things American Christians can glean from our brothers and sisters on international missions. Read More

If I Share The Gospel, I Might Ruin Our Relationship

I know that every situation is different and that it takes a lot of wisdom, but generally speaking, I think that Christians wait too long to share the Gospel with loved ones. I want to encourage you to consider the following points to see if these are reasons why you haven’t pulled the trigger yet, and if they are, I encourage you to overcome your fear and to obey Christ by sharing Him with your friend. Read More

In Christ, Alone: Most Believers Say They Don’t Need Others for Discipleship

US Christians are growing in their faith, but many do it on their own, according to LifeWay Research. Read More

Americans Split on the Impact Pastors Have on Society

Most Americans believe pastors are good for the country, but fewer believe they have the positive impact of teachers or doctors. Read More

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