
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Why Read Peter Martyr Vermigli and More

Why Read Peter Martyr Vermigli?

Confronted by the persecution, force, and cruelty of this world, Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499–1562, pronounced Vayr-MEEL-yee) urged Christians to recognize two realities: their identity in Christ and the sure hope of one day seeing God face to face. This, he contends, is “man’s ultimate happiness,” the delight that surpasses all worldly pleasure—to be accepted by the eternal Father in Christ. Read More

Seven Reasons a Guiding Coalition Is Vital in Church Revitalization [Podcast]

Many times when we talk about church revitalization, we talk about change. And when you change things, you will need a guiding coalition to help implement and support the change. Listen Now

8 Reasons Sunday School Classes or Small Groups Turn Inwardly

My evidence is anecdotal, but my experience is that many, if not most, Sunday school classes or small groups turn inwardly at some point. Even those that start with the strongest outward focus sometimes lose this battle. Here are some reasons this shift happens.... Read More

Is the Church an Instrument?

In several articles (see the most recent here), I’ve been interacting with Mark Galli’s series “The Elusive Presence,” which makes the point that in our zeal for doing good things for God, our love and passion for God Himself has been eclipsed. I resonate with this diagnosis of the malaise within evangelicalism. Where I part ways with Mark is in his broad and ill-defined understanding of the “missional church” as the culprit, as if missional thinking is an activity-generating philosophy that leaves us exhausted. Read More

3 Lies About Student Evangelism

Here are three lies about student evangelism that youth leaders and students should never believe. Read More

Millennial Christians, Smaller in Number, But Just as Faithful as Older Generations

There are fewer millennial Christians than in previous generations, but those young adults who do follow Christ do so just as faithfully as older believers, according to a Barna study. Read More

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