
Friday, August 02, 2019

Friday's Catch: How to Become an Effective Witness for Jesus and More

Six Steps to Becoming an Effective Witness for Jesus

A common theory is more training is necessary to help boost our evangelistic efforts. Is the problem in our techniques? Maybe. Could it be simpler than that? I think so.

I love evangelism training: Romans Road, 3 Circles, the Bridge Diagram, etc., but without the ability to strike up a conversation and keep it going, there’s no space to use the helpful evangelistic techniques we’ve been trained in. Read More

What a Replant Looks Like from Within [Podcast]

Replants sometimes struggle with their internal identity. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe look at the inner workings of a replant and how to use your unique position for Kingdom impact. Watch Now

Why Jesus Can’t Always Be Our Model for Preaching

One of the most interesting debates in homiletical circles is the degree to which contemporary preachers should preach like Jesus. Read More

How To Preach Like You’re Having A Conversation

The best sermons are conversations, like you’re sitting at a table with with them and discussing a problem, a concern, a big thing God wants them to do. Read More

3 Best Practices for Green Preachers

Here are 3 practices that will help you become a better preacher if you are just starting out and do not have much experience. Read More

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