
Monday, August 05, 2019

Monday's Catch: Drifting from the Faith and More

3 Reasons Drifting from the Faith Starts with Drifting from the Church

We must not abandon the church if we want to persevere in the faith. Read More

10 Ways to Make the Most of Criticism

I recently had a conversation with our summer interns about how to handle criticism in ministry. Someone once said that compliments are written in sand while criticisms are written in stone. We’ve all be there. It’s rarely fun to receive criticism, but there are certain things we can do to handle it well. Read More

The Pastor as Evangelist

In Paul’s legendary charge outlining the work of the pastor is this admonition: “Do the work of an evangelist.” Pastor, gospel sharing, good news heralding, and evangelizing is part of what it means to “pastor.” Paul goes so far as to say this is part of what it means to “fulfill your ministry”. Read inversely, for the pastor to ignore evangelism is to have an unfulfilled incomplete ministry. Read More

When Your Sermon Feels Like Trash

Warner Aldridge recounts some good reminders from a brother of his for when your sermon feels like trash. Read More

8 Ideas for Deploying Students on Mission

Training comes to life when you schedule a deployment. This single act (of calendaring a challenge) turns teaching into training. It doesn’t take much to activate what you’ve been teaching your kids or students. You don’t have to take a week-long excursion to give your young people a reason to study and take their Christian faith seriously. Read More

Churchgoers Hold Contradictory Views on Living an Isolated Christian Life

Protestant churchgoers say they can walk with God just fine by themselves, but they also say they need other believers to help them do it. Read More

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