
Friday, August 09, 2019

Friday's Catch: The Twenty-First Century--the Great Century of Omission? and More

The Great Century of Missions Ended Over a Century Ago: Will Our Age Be the Great Century of Omission?

The People of God must boldly proclaim the gospel message both here and abroad. Read More

How to Thrive in a Post-Christian World

Here are six practical things your church can do to thrive in a post-Christian world. Read More

The Summer Outreach Planning Guide (and 5 Ideas)

I know the summer can be a challenging time. But I’m here to tell you it can also be a fantastic opportunity to reach your community for Christ! Read More

Separating Myth From Truth in the Generations

A researcher who specializes in the differences between generations took the stage at the 2019 Global Leadership Summit and said that the Millennial generation is splitting into two groups. Read More

Church Design Help for Non-Designers with Raj Lulla & Ben Lueders [Podcast]

In this Unseminary podcast Ben Lueders and Raj Lulla talk about why good design is important in churches and what churches should be thinking about design-wise as they communicate to people in the congregation and community. Listen Now

Five Updates on Pastoral Attire

Pastoral attire seems to be a hot issue in almost every church. In this episode Thom Rainer and Jonathan How discuss the response to another recent podcast on the subject and provide a few updates. Listen Now

4 Advantages of Advanced Planning for Sermons and Teaching Series

I plan sermon series and the general direction of sermons within a teaching series several months in advance, and here are four advantages.... Read More

7 Tips to Eliminate Boring from Your Sermons (and Avoid Writer's Block)

Preachers, if you’re bored by your message, it’s a virtual guarantee your audience will be as well. Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Sermon Illustrations: How to Enhance Your Preaching By Showing Not Just Telling

Sermon illustrations allow you to take your sermon to the next level. Instead of just telling people the truth of God’s word, show them. Read More

Beware Of Over-Hyped Intros!

Your introduction is not the place to proclaim the global impact this one message (via this one messenger) is going to have, or even has had. Read More

Most Churchgoers Say They Must Deny Self to Follow Christ

A majority of Protestant churchgoers believe making sacrificial decisions to serve Christ is essential to their faith, and most try to avoid situations that might lead to immoral thoughts or actions. Read More

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