
Thursday, August 08, 2019

Thursday's Catch: White Nationalist Terrorism and the Gospel and More

White Nationalist Terrorism and the Gospel

White nationalism is not just another ideology, in a world filled with competing opinions. White nationalism is a manifestation of an ancient evil that we as Christians, of all people, ought to recognize immediately. White nationalism emerges from what the Bible calls “the way of the flesh.” This is a form of idolatry that exalts one’s own creaturely attributes, making a god out of, for instance, one’s ancestral origins or one’s tribal culture. This is not incidental to the gospel of Jesus Christ, but is precisely what the gospel everywhere in the Bible confronts and condemns. Read More

Jesus, Deliver Us from This Racist Evil Age

We believe in a Savior who redeems, a Spirit who reconciles, and a gospel that is the antithesis of white supremacy. Read More

Becoming a Multiethnic Church Is Costly, But Worth It

When the Bridge Church in Wilmington, North Carolina, made an intentional move to become multiethnic, we started losing people. Read More

Don’t Assume White Is ‘Normal’

Even Christians have a perception of what is normal, common, or acceptable—and it often elevates the comfort and experiences common to white people while devaluing the dignity and perspectives of people of color. It causes the dominant group to see the ethnic minority as “other” and never fully part of the community. Kwon calls this “white cultural normativity,” and it has poisoned many of our churches and affects our members in painful ways. When we treat people not like us as “other,” making assumptions based on differences, we’re guilty of what Scripture calls the sin of partiality. Read More

10 Signs Your Church's Burden for the City Is Growing

Most churches, I’m afraid, are inwardly focused. Turning a church outward is not easy, but these signs are at least hints that the congregation’s heart is moving in the right direction.... Read More

Should We Change the Name of Our Church [Podcast]

When churches are looking to revitalize, a name change is often on the table. In this podcat Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe we discuss whether or not you should change the name of a church as part of a revitalization. Listen Now

Does God Want Everyone to Be Saved? (1 Timothy 2)

God’s will for every person on the planet is for him or her to repent and believe in the gospel. Some, by grace, will respond. Read More

10 Hardest Lessons for a Pastor to Learn

Pastors have to learn many lessons the hard way, some of them again and again until finally they take. Here are my top ten. Read More

We Shepherd Sheep, Not Beasts of Burden

Recently a friend asked a question about ministry. Then I read an article that touched on a similar topic. As I considered both the question and the article, I realized that they intersected with a concern that I have. Read More

When Corporate Worship Is Just Singing

Are we singing too many worship songs? And does the singing of songs eventually have an adverse effect on our hearts? Read More

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