
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Practical Advice for Pastors and Lay Peachers #52

6 Reasons Why Pastors Must Be More Courageous Today

Thom Rainer believes we are in the midst of a cultural shift--and it's no time to shrink back from our calling. Read More

Four Lessons New Communicators Need to Learn Before Taking a Major Stage

How do you know when a new communicator is ready to take on a major stage? Read More

How Can I Keep My Preaching from Getting Stale?

How do we break the preoccupations of our preaching that not only dull hearers to our messages but also blind them to the implications of the Lordship of Christ over the whole of life? Read More

5 Words to Avoid in Sermons

Certain words will strengthen most any sermon. Conversely, some words weaken the sermon. If used at all, they should be used knowingly and sparingly. Here are five words that almost always weaken sermons. Read More

Nervous Before You Prepeach? 3 Sure Remedies

All eyes are on you. Staring. Waiting for you to say something. Many people are sweating just thinking about it. Read More

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