
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe Is Back!

Bridges of God: The Church and the Rural-Urban Divide

Since the dawn of Christianity, God's people have been called to be a bridge across the barriers constructed by any given society. Read More

The Most Critical Step in Introducing Change

The way you introduce change is equally important to the change you introduce. Read More

A Key Change Component – Stakeholder Analysis

The longer I lead and manage people the more I realize that the most important element in leading and managing people is actually people. Read More

The Three Ways the Prosperity Gospel Has Infected Our Churches

So many of our churches – otherwise sound, godly, healthy churches – have been infected by the prosperity gospel. Obviously, we’re not handing out lifts across the world in our private jets. We’re not typically telling people that, if you just trust God enough, he’ll make you rich. But we definitely do believe some soft prosperity lies. Let me land on just three examples. Read More
The truth is that this kind of thinking--the idea that God rewards our good works and so we should engage in more good works to receive greater rewards from God--existed in our churches well before the arrival of the prosperity gospel on the scene.
Five Things Churches Can Learn from Guerrilla Marketing

Here are a few marketing “take-aways” every church, whether established or a new church plant, should consider.... Read More

Leading Your Church In This Time of Sexual Questioning with Bruce Miller [Podcast]

In this podcast Rich Birch talks with Bruce Miller, senior pastor of Christ Fellowship in Texas about his book Leading a Church in a Time of Sexual Questioning. Listen Now

8 Lessons about Church Budgets [Video]

Jamie Dunlop, author of Budgeting for a Healthy Church, shares eight important lessons he’s learned after nearly a decade of putting together a church budget. It ends with 25 minutes of Q&A. Watch Now

10 Items You Need In Your Children’s Ministry Tool Box

There are some tools that you need if you want to see success. These are all simple, practical tools that can make your work more productive and efficient. Let's look at 10 tools that you need in your ministry toolbox. Read More

How to Counsel a Gender-Confused Child

Here are three ways parents can care for their child. Read More

How to Stop Praying the Same Old Things

It doesn’t take long before rote prayers fragment your attention span and freeze your heart. Read More

Wilke: Scripture on Homosexuality ‘insignificant’ in the Grand Scheme of the Bible

Longtime United Methodist Church (UMC) bishop and prominent author Richard Wilke recently urged members of his denomination—currently divided about homosexuality—to “create a loving and inclusive community of faith.” In a 16-minute video posted online, Wilke speaks about his own family’s experiences and then reveals conclusions reached after his “in-depth examination of the Scriptures” on homosexuality. Read More

Latest Research: There’s No Such Thing As a ‘gay gene’

Researchers from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) teamed up to study the genetic profiles of almost half a million people. The researchers were looking for genetic factors that might indicate a person has a biological predisposition to same-sex behavior. Their conclusion: There is no such thing as a “gay gene.” Read More

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