
Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday's Catch: Indispensable: Women Church Planters and More UPDATED

Indispensable: Women Church Planters

Articles posted on church planting websites refer to church planters as “guys” or “dudes.” For the most part, women are not viewed as church planters. Instead, references to women typically center on how the church planter’s wife can support her husband’s demanding ministry. Even in denominations that ordain women, the majority of church planters are men. The notion of a female church planter has become an oxymoron. But this was not the case in the beginning. Read More

4 Ways to Balance Leading the Church and Loving the Community

How do local pastors both lead our church and love our community well? And how does this calling inform the pastor’s leadership priorities and daily schedule? Read More

9 Signs It Might Be Time to Refresh Your Church's Interior Design

Here are nine signs it might be time to refresh your interior design. Read More

The Power of Prayer in Church Revitalization

On the inside of my favorite Bible, I have taped a half-sheet of paper with Mark Clifton’s six imperatives for replanting a church from his book, Reclaiming Glory. The first of those imperatives is “Pray Without Ceasing,” which comes directly from 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Read More

Seven Things We Should Celebrate Regularly in Our Churches

What you celebrate, you become. And today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss ways churches can celebrate how God is working in them and through them. Listen Now

Our Modern Ephesian Moment

Four markers of meaningful ethnic belonging in multiethnic congregations. Read More

5 Tips To Reduce Misunderstandings In An Information-Soaked Culture

No one is a perfect communicator. Even if our facts are correct, the way we say them matters. Read More

The Vital Link Between Church Attendance and Faith

To persevere in the faith, we cannot abandon the church. Read More

How to Kill Your Anger so You Can Represent Christ to the World

Our culture is angry. You only have to be on social media for five minutes to see this is true. And the amount of anger we’re seeing will only increase as the various sides of our culture move farther and farther apart from each other. The first response to disagreement, particularly online, is often anger, and herein lies a danger for all of us who are engaging people with apologetics: It’s easy to fall right into that cultural pattern in our own responses to people. This is something we need to fight. Read More

Top Songs from Christian Worship Services

FaithLife has compiled a list of the most popular songs being sung in Christian churches right now. The top five: “Build My Life,” “What A Beautiful Name,” “Ten Thousand Reasons,” “Amazing Grace” (the Chris Tomlin version), “Great Are You Lord.” Read List

No 'Gay Gene' Can Predict Sexual Orientation, Study Says NEW

Sexual orientation cannot be predicted by a single "gay gene," new research indicates. Instead, a host of genetic and environmental factors play a role, according to a study published Thursday in Science Magazine. The findings provide insight into the complex genetics underlying human sexuality. But they do not explain it, wrote the international team of researchers who analyzed genetic data gathered from almost half a million people. Read More

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