
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Revitalization and Replant Metrics and More

Five of the Most Common Metrics to Watch in Revitalization or Replant [Podcast]

In a revitalization or replant, there are more important and more specific metrics to measure and watch than in growing churches or church plants. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe look at five. Listen Now

9 Questions to Ask before Addressing Cultural Issues at Your Church

The preacher must assess both the culture and the congregation in order to determine whether to engage certain concerns that arise. Clarity in this matter is essential, but how does the preacher gain such clarity? Read More

Is Your Church Making Incomplete Disciples

How effective are our churches at making whole disciples—disciples who are growing in both truth and fellowship? Read More

In an Epidemic of Isolation, ‘Relational Ministry’ Isn't Enough

Can the church offer our loneliest students something more than a place to make friends? Read More

How to Turn Hot Topics into Relational Bridges

Here’s a few things to remember when a friend/spouse/neighbor/coworker/family member (who we totally now are not trying to change in one conversation) drops a bombshell question out of nowhere.... Read More

Constantly (Dis)connected: How Online Habits Form Us

The challenge that living with a digital imprint presents the people of God is to hold onto an inheritance of faith that is challenged at many points by digital existence. Read More

Love from the Margins: Lessons from 4 Pastors in China

We recently asked four Chinese house church pastors what we should know about loving our cities from the margins. Read More

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