
Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: God's Will and More

God’s Will Is Not Like Siri

Life’s weighty decisions—where to attend college, whom to marry, whether to take that job—make us crave divine direction. But is it realistic, or biblical, to expect an audible “go for it” (or tangible equivalent) from God before making every major decision? Read More

Spiritual Depression: The Dark Night of the Soul

Spiritual depression is real and can be acute. We ask how a person of faith could experience such spiritual lows, but whatever provokes it does not take away from its reality. Our faith is not a constant action. It is mobile. It vacillates. We move from faith to faith, and in between we may have periods of doubt when we cry, “Lord, I believe, help Thou my unbelief.” Read More

Update: 12 Reasons I Affirm Bivocational Ministry

More and more pastors are beginning to embrace as their primary calling the role of bivocational minister. Some even intend to remain bivocational regardless of the size of their church as it grows. If the Lord were to call me into a bivocational church role, below is why I would gladly follow His leading.... Read More

Pastor, Your Sheep Are Not an Accident

Do you peer over the fence and envy another’s flock? I’ve been guilty of this myself. Here are three particular dangers to this kind of discontentment. Read More

Is It Wrong to Draw Moral Lessons from OT Figures?

In nearly 30 years of preaching through the Old Testament regularly, I’ve enjoyed helping God’s people see that he teaches some of his greatest truths through biography. Warnings and promises take on a vivid flavor when attached to real-life figures who faced profound struggles, doubts, fears, failures, and sins. Read More

10 Traits of a Healthy Small Group Ministry

Do you have a healthy small group ministry? You will if you focus on these 10 traits of a healthy small group ministry. Read More

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