
Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday's Catch: How the Global Church Can Respond to Sexual Abuse and More

How the Global Church Can Respond to Sexual Abuse

We can no longer silence the victims, but must bring their stories into the light. Read More

How Churches Should Respond to Seven Major Changes [Podcast]

Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe recently highlights seven changes churches are facing today. In this podcast, they discuss how to combat these changes. Listen Now

Invite People To Your Church, But Point Them To Jesus

Committing to Jesus and committing to the church, while interlinked, are not the same thing. Read More

Four Ways New Hispanic Churches Are Challenging Church Planting in America

We are witnessing the de-Europeanization of American Christianity. Read More

Is American Christianity on Its Last Legs? The Data Say Otherwise.

Two new books push back on Chicken-Little narratives of evangelical decline. Read More

5 Intentional Ways to Shape the Culture of Your Church

Culture can be a nebulous term and is not easily defined in the context of any organization, including the church. Culture is what it feels like to be a part of your church. It’s more caught than taught, and it’s always mediated through leadership over time. Leaders must think carefully about how we want our churches to feel. Here are five ways that you can be more intentional about shaping the culture of your church. Read More

Gen Z Is Making Me a Better Preacher

Four ways these students' unique expectations are improving my sermons. Read More

A Reproducible Lifestyle and the De-emphasis of Clergy Can Lead to Movement

Two things leaders can do to keep Jesus the center of a missional movement. Read More

Evangelicals Who Distrust Muslims Likely Don’t Know Muslims

A 2019 survey shows how relationships curb Islamophobia and improve understanding between the two faiths. Read More

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