
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: 3 Ways the Holy Spirit Works in the World and More

3 Ways the Holy Spirit Works in the World

One of the tragedies of modern debates about the Holy Spirit’s work in the church and in our lives today is that we have narrowed his repertoire. The Third Person of the Trinity is frequently associated almost exclusively with: (1) the application of salvation (2) direct, immediate, and surprising activities within us that defy any external means; and (3) the extraordinary (miraculous signs and wonders, gifts of healing and tongues, and so on). Read More

Scot McKnight: Why Legalism Isn’t What You Think

Over the years, my own thinking about legalism has become more nuanced, but I want to map out what legalism is in the context of the New Testament.After years of teaching Galatians and pondering legalism in Paul’s mind, I’m convinced many get confused about what the word “legalism” means. Thus, folks say, “That’s legalism!” So some rubble needs to be cleared out first. Read More

Five Reasons I Preach—why Do You Preach?

People today have very little respect for preaching—maybe it's because they don't know the purpose of preaching. Read More

Preachers, Don’t Just Explain the Text Meaning—Tell Us How You Got There

Fellow preachers, if we explain the text meaning in our sermons, we do well. Our people will benefit. But that’s not enough. Read More

How Do I Choose a Spouse? Seven Principles for Marrying Well

My wife and I regularly discussed about seven marriage principles with our children. There are more, but these are a good starting place. Read More

Disciplining Your Children

Through my years of working with kids, five guiding principles helped me as a counselor, teacher, and especially as a mom. While not all methods work for all children, I’ve found these principles work for a variety of children, regardless of their age, sex, or disposition. Read More

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