
Friday, September 06, 2019

Friday's Catch: Leading Millennials in Your Church and More

Leading Millenials in Your Church [Podcast]

Troy Pollock from Pushpay joins Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe in this podcast to discuss church technology and how you can better reach Millennials in your church. Listen Now

How Going to Church Benefits Brain and Body

Consider these ways science shows us that church benefits both brain and body. Read More

3 Essential Observations from Jesus on Leadership

We can summarize His instructions on leadership in three statements. Read More

Matthew’s Gospel as You’ve Never Read It Before

I don’t think I quite understood the beauty of the Gospels, and particularly Matthew, until I understood that meaning is contained not only in the content of the story, but also in the form. It wasn’t merely Matthew’s words, but the placement of those words—the way he tells his stories—that reveals his convictions about Jesus. Read More

2 Reasons Your Discipleship Groups Might Not Be Effective

In a recent episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby Gallaty and Chris Swain begin to answer the question, why do some discipleship groups not work? Gallaty and Swain offer two factors that may render some discipleship groups ineffective. Read More

7 Ways a Church’s Small Groups Can Reach People for Jesus (From Saddleback)

How can the small groups in your church become the effective evangelism tools that God wants them to become? Read More

Dorian Destroys Tiny Bahamas Island With 3 Churches and 300 People

Christian relief workers wait for floods to recede before they can make it to the hardest-hit places like Man-O-War Cay. Read More

7 Ways to Pray for Victims of Hurricane Dorian

My wife and I live in North Carolina, a state hit hard by hurricanes over the last few years. Watching news coverage of Hurricane Dorian as it shattered the Bahamas and made its way up the U.S. coast, I’m reminded to pray for those who’ve faced this storm up close. I encourage you to use this guide to pray today, and then invite others to join us in praying. Read More

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