
Saturday, September 07, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: How Will the World Look When It Stops Growing? And More

How Will the World Look When It Stops Growing?

What will the world look like when it stops growing? And it will stop growing. Read More

Working Women Are Leaving the Church. Here’s How to Bring Them Back

Thousands of working women are leaving their churches because they feel their church “just doesn’t get me.” And, as working women leave their churches, they’re taking their husbands, children, desire to serve and even their pocketbooks with them. Read More

Why Does Time Fly When You're Having Fun?

The world's most precise clocks run at a steady pace, messing up by only about 1 second every 300 million years. But the brain takes those rhythmic seconds and makes its own sense of time — stretching the ticks and scrunching the tocks. But why can't the brain keep time like a regular clock? In other words, why does time fly when you're having fun, and why does it plod along when you're bored? Read More
This article is relevant to how those attending our worship gatherings may perceive the passage of time. The more boring such a gathering is, the longer those attending it will experience the passage of time and the more likely they will not return for a second visit if they are a first time attendee. The way attendees experience the passage of time is particularly a problem for Anglican Churches using one of the older prayer books or the ACNA's Book of Common Prayer 2019. The challenge for these churches is how do they make their worship gatherings more engaging not only for first time attendees but also regular attendees?
7 Big Money Mistakes Newlywed Couples Make

Believe it or not, marriage and money don’t always seem to mix well. Couples that have been married for a few years sometimes find themselves arguing heatedly over finances. Read More

The Essence of the Calvinistic Life

The essence of the Calvinistic life is living in such a way as to glorify God. Read More

Leaders and 3 Types of Stress

Right before Dr. John Townsend walked up to shred a guitar to some old Blink 182 songs with the band he has with his sons, I asked him if he was nervous. In a brief moment he talked to me about leaders and the three different types of stress we can face. Read More

Pulpit Pointers from Past Preachers

Here are ten reminders for those who preach and teach the Word of God, as confirmed by some of history’s greatest preachers. Read More

7 Questions to Answer Before Your Next Sermon

Checklists can be helpful for most every area of life. For example, before traveling I always review a mental list to make sure I’ve appropriately packed and have my logistical bases covered. Over the years, I’ve also developed a mental checklist that I typically ask of every sermon before I preach it. Like traveling, this checklist is important because in the rush of getting out the door, I can overlook an essential element to the preaching process if I don’t intentionally pause and reflect upon the task at hand. These seven questions help me do just that. Read More

10 Commandments for College Students

I have been thinking a lot about college ministry the last few weeks as we are launching a new college ministry at our church and as we will be seeing and serving more college students this fall. As this new college year begins for tons of Christians, here are the 10 commandments for college students; applied from the commandments the Lord gave Moses. Read More

Some American Muslims Leave Islam, But Protestant Converts Often Replace Them

Pew Research released a new analysis of all of the American residents, foreign-born or otherwise, who claim Islam as their religion. The numbers are something church leaders should understand if they are interested in engaging Muslim populations with the gospel. Here are a few important takeaways. Read More

Why Pro-Life Christians (and LGBTQ Activists) Should Reject ‘Born This Way’ Ideology

A new study highlights why both Christians and LGBTQ activists should reject biological explanations for homosexuality. Read More

In Dorian’s wake

Amid devastation, a long recovery begins in the Bahamas. Read More

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