
Monday, September 09, 2019

Monday's Catch: A Common Denominator in De-Conversions and More

Water, Dig, K-Dig, Places Of Interest, Nature

A Common Denominator in De-Conversions

Why is this such a common story? Why does the youthful zeal of so many churched kids transition, over time, to the jaded cynicism of the de-churched? Much ink has been spilt diagnosing the reasons for these sorts of “de-conversion” paths. In this article I want to simply highlight one common denominator I’ve noticed between the friends who have stayed in the church and those who have left. Read More

How Can We Nicely Kick Kids Out of Church?

Apparently this is a new thing? To kick kids out of church? Read More
And then we voice surprise when our kids join the ranks of the nones and the dones. They got the message. They were not wanted.
The Linkage Between Church Planting and Developing New Christians

Since the time of the Epistles, church planting has been a natural outflow of the Great Commission. Read More

Trends in the Multisite Movement

Multisite is no longer a fringe idea, but has come of age. Here’s what it looks like today. Read More

What’s the Point? (Alternative Ways to Frame Your Sermon)

I believe there are often better ways of framing a sermon than falling back on “point one,” “point two,” and “point three.” Read More

Overcoming Fear of Evangelism

The courage to share our faith comes from God, not ourselves. Read More

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