
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: The Almost Invisible Church and More

The Almost Invisible Church

I’m not against big churches. God is at work there too. My point is simpler: We tend to think that God is at work somewhere else. We spend our time wishing that we could be part of what God is doing, all the while missing what God is doing right under our noses because it looks small and insignificant and because it’s hard work. Read More

5 Ways to Reach Your Neighbors This Halloween

For some Christians, it might be tempting to turn off the porch light and hide from trick-or-treaters, but missional families see Halloween as an opportunity to share the gospel. Halloween can be an open door to witnessing. At the very least, it allows you to spend time with neighbors you rarely see. And though it’s centered on children, Halloween is a chance to reach people of all ages. Consider these five possibilities.... Read More

Trump’s Withdrawal from Syria Threatens the Growing Kurdish Church [Podcast]

Christianity is spreading in the majority Sunni community. But what will the violence mean? Listen Now

How to Stop the Shootings

There is no simple solution to America's gun violence. But there is hope. Read More

One Thing You Missed: Why Churches are Tax-Exempt [Video]

Even though the tax-exempt status of religious organizations is not presently under threat, I think we do need to know why tax-exemption exists and why it matters. Watch Now

How to Increase Year-End Giving with Compelling Stories

Stories encourage empathy. They help us understand problems and circumstances in new ways. And they provide tangible examples of God’s work in our communities. If your church wants to maximize year-end giving, you need to tell compelling stories about what God is doing through your congregation’s giving. Here’s how to do that. Read More

Looking Closely at Speaking in Tongues

1 Corinthians 14 is not an easy passage. The rise of modern Pentecostalism over the last 120 years has made the issue of speaking in tongues a perpetual issue, making it even more important to study this passage carefully. Further, Paul's arguments in this chapter--made in response to the Corinthian Christians' unruly worship and self-centered theology--stretches both the mind and heart. In this post, I will not be answering every question you or I might have about speaking in tongues, but I do hope to point out four features of this chapter, features which should shape our hearts and guide our discussion about speaking in tongues. Read More

Pastoring Is So Much More Than Preaching

The pastor’s calling is to care for God’s own church, to labor on behalf of God to care for what God loves most. But how? How does the pastor heed this call? Read More

How Should a Pastor Do the Work of an Evangelist

Among the many commands given to pastors, there is one that is beginning to receive renewed attention. That command is found in 2 Timothy 4:5 wherein the apostle Paul is giving a series of exhortations to Timothy which culminates in the command, “Fulfill your ministry.” In order to fulfill that ministry, the man of God must “Do the work of an evangelist.” What is this work and how is it to be manifested in the life of every pastor if he is to be found faithful to his calling? Read More

How the Church Became ‘Missional’

In this article Trevin Wax puts Mark Galli's critique of the missional movement in wider context, to show how missiology moved from what was essentially a church-centered view to a mission-centered view in the past 70 years or so. Read More

Global Outreach Opportunity: Ministry Among International Students

A critical part of the broader diaspora movement of people is international students among us. Read More

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