
Saturday, October 05, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: Celebrating with Other Churches and More UPDATED

3 Reasons to Celebrate, Not Compete, with Other Churches

A church that’s frantically trying to keep up with the Jones will soon have a pastor, staff, congregation, and budget stretched dangerously thin. This is a perfect formula for burnout. What’s a better formula? Three things come to mind. Read More

Kate Bowler: Why Christian Women Become Celebrity ‘Influencers’

When the path to formal church leadership is blocked, they'll naturally look for other ways to reach an audience. Read More

A Crazy Idea That Will Increase Your Impact in Your City

I’ve tested it out over the past few years, and it’s revolutionized how we do ministry. Read More

What Are Fresh Expressions?

"Fresh Expressions isn’t another new program but rather a movement of the Holy Spirit...." Read More
This article was taken from Alternative Faith Communities: United Methodist Innovators (Nov/Dec/Jan 2017-18) issue of Circuit Rider. It is one of several articles which are featured in that issue and which take a look at developments in the United Methodist Church. They offer interesting insights into the direction in which some UMC leaders are taking the local church.
Measuring Church Health: 5 Signs of Dysfunction

Numbers aren’t everything, but numbers can provide perspective that we don’t see otherwise. Read More

Why You Should Share Your Church's Vision Immediately

Don't wait to share your mission. Read More

How to Raise Money for God’s Ministry

HOW you raise money is secondary to WHY you raise money. Read More

Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? [Podcast]

Dennis Johnson discusses Hebrews 6:4–6, one of the New Testament's most famous—and debated—warning passages, a section of Scripture that many people think teaches that Christians can lose their salvation. He explains why he doesn't think that's what the author of Hebrews was saying, how to respond when people who once claimed to be Christians walk away from God, and whether or not we can be certain about our own salvation. Listen Now
A transcript of this podcast is also online.
12 Things Pastors Should Not Do

Here are a few things the Lord taught me over the years that pastors should not do. Read More

Why and How We Started a Sunday Evening Service

Sadly, for many Christians, the Lord’s Day has become the Lord’s hour. While Scripture does not mandate a second service on Sunday, we should ask ourselves, “How can we best use our time on the Lord’s Day?” To begin and end the day by worshiping with our church family is certainly profitable to us and pleasing to our Lord. Read More

4 Practical Ways to Have Fewer Announcements in Your Worship Services

Here are four practical ways to have fewer announcements in your weekly gathering.... Read More

Lay Catholic Leaders Warn about Amazon Synod NEW

Conservative Catholics are in an uproar over the upcoming Amazon Synod and what they believe that it might mean for the Catholic Church. Read More
It is noteworthy that Mary and the Magesterium received strong affirmations of faith as opposed to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible.
9 Things You Should Know About Christianity and Communist China

Here are nine things you should know about the communist state and its historic opposition and suppression of the Christian faith.... Read More

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