
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: The Importance of Basic Training for Church Planters and More UPDATED

Why Basic Training Is So Important for Church Planters

An assessment of the Hispanic Church Planting Report reveals the necessity of training. Read More
A must read article for those interested in planting new churches. One way that church planting networks can address the need for basic training for church planters is to develop training modules for key areas of church planting and create a website where these modules may be accessed by interested groups and individuals free of charge. God uses all kinds of people to plant new churches. While church planter assessments can be helpful, they can also erect barriers to our church planting efforts. We can become obsessed with looking for the "right" person to plant a new church and in doing so plant far less new churches than we might otherwise plant or not plant any new churches at all. Church planter assessments may also discourage from planting a new church individuals who actually are the "right" person for a particular community.
Here Come the Skinny Cows

Four reasons tithes and offerings are about to drop dramatically. Read More

Churches and Conflicts

God welcomes mixed-up people, including ourselves. No wonder churches experience conflict. Read More

Every Church Has Issues, Every Pastor a Situation

The pastor who does not want to “waste his time” with the hurting, the misguided, the straying, and the weak is not a pastor at all and should not call himself that. Read More

Distinguishing Marks of an Unteachable Person

An unteachable person is not necessarily quarrelsome, although when the right issue arises they may be, or they may just walk away. What does an unteachable person look like? What are his (or her) distinguishing marks? Here are twelve possibilities. You might be an unteachable person if.... Read More

How Do I Know if I Have Been Predestined to Be Saved

How does a person know if they have been predestined by God for heaven? The shortest answer to the question is also the best: Do you love Jesus? If so, then you have been predestined. Read More

3 Traits of a Biblical Leader

Despite the lingering image of what we might perceive to be effective leadership—stern, heavy-handed, ruthlessly efficient—the Bible teaches us a better way. The best leaders are loving leaders. What will it look like for you to lead lovingly? Read More

The Pastor’s One Essential Responsibility

Above all, pastors shape the hearts and minds of God’s people with his holy Word. It’s a simple, but all-too-neglected, fact. Read More

4 Threats To Every Sermon You Preach

The reason we have to work harder to gain and keep attention has to do with what competes for the attention of our people every time we preach. Read More

Be a Living Example of God’s Living Love

Your love needs to extend beyond your comfort zone. The church is to be a community of people who love one another despite differences, who love one another through differences. Read More

What Does Neighbor-Love Look Like When I'm Swamped at Work?

To love our neighbor at work, we must both steward our capacity and compassion at work while reframing the work itself into an act of love for God and others. Read More

To Change America, Invite a Millennial to Church

There are now as many millennials who say they “never” attend religious services as there are who attend once a week. Here’s a simple way to change that trend. Read More

Vatican Synod Proposes Ordaining Married Men as Priests in the Amazon NEW

An assembly of Roman Catholic bishops from the Amazon on Saturday proposed that married men in the remote area be allowed to be ordained priests, which could lead to a landmark change in the Church’s centuries-old discipline of celibacy. Read More
At the beginning the of the final working session of the Amazon synod Pope Francis also announced that he would relaunch a commission to study the history of women deacons in the early centuries of the Catholic Church in response to calls by Catholic women that they be allowed to serve as deacons today.

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