
Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday's Catch: Is Your Church Not as Welcoming as It Used to Be? and More

Four Reasons Why Many Welcoming Churches Have Become Less Welcoming [Podcast]

Does your welcoming ministry feel stale and stagnant? In this podcast, Thom and Sam Rainer discuss four reasons why churches become less welcoming. Every ministry can get in a rut or routine. Listen in on how you can become a more welcoming church. Listen Now

3 Not-So-Obvious Reasons Church Visitors DON’T Return to Your Church

Sometimes the music is really bad or the preaching is really boring or the children’s ministry is really awful, but there are other, less obvious, reasons church visitors don’t return.... Read More

Protecting Your Children From Predators

Few things concern parents more than the thought that a predator may have set his sights on their children. Few fears terrify parents more than that they may fail to protect their children from those who would seek to do them harm. Few things break a parent’s heart like learning that their child has been exposed to something they should not have seen or to something they should not have experienced. In this age, and every age, parents need to know how to recognize and respond to sexual danger. Read More

Answer These 14 Questions before You Preach

Peter Adam offers practical advice on preaching preparation. Read More

Inject Grace Into Your Next Sermon—here Are Four Ways

It's true: We can preach grace to the point of ignoring the truth. But that's not usually our problem. Read More

How (And Why) To Preach An Offensive Sermon

Every church has to choose whether it is willing to hear from God or to be rocked to sleep by the Lord's messenger. Read More

Dumbed Down? Why Reading the Bible Is so Elusive—Yet so Vitally Important

Despite the fact that most Americans could likely walk around their homes and count more than a few Bibles dispersed throughout, only one in five Americans have actually read the Bible in its entirety and more than half of Americans (53%) have read merely a smattering of passages to none at all.This begs the question: Why are people choosing not to engage with Scripture? Read More

Is Your Church Really Focused on Evangelism? Maybe Not.

Here are some ways to practically encourage evangelism in our churches, organizations, and personal live.... Read More
Also see Moving Our Congregations to More Effective Evangelism
Don't Be the Weak Link in Evangelism

In the church, everyone has a part to play in seeing the kingdom of Christ move forward. But in many churches, the majority of seats hold Christians who believe evangelism is a task only for a select few who possess special gifts and passions. Read More

1 in 3 Teens Says They're Religiously Unaffiliated

The majority of teenagers continue to say they’re Christian, but the religiously unaffiliated outnumber both Catholics and evangelicals individually among teens. Read More

Archbishop Defends Words on Same-Sex Marriage: No One Can ‘Update the Faith’

The Anglican Archbishop of the Diocese of Sydney, Australia, has come under fire for recent statements he made regarding the church’s position on same-sex unions. While it is not surprising that people have found Archbishop Glenn Davies’ words offensive, many news outlets have ignored the context of his speech as they have reported on it. Read More

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