
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday's Catch: 'Is American Christianity Really In Free Fall?' and More

Is American Christianity Really In Free Fall?

The Pew Foundation has just released a significant report concerning the state of American religion. As with anything done by Pew, both the research and the analysis are exemplary, and the findings are convincing. I will challenge one small but important thing in the report, namely its title – but I will be arguing a great deal with the way in which it has been represented in the media. We are seeing substantial changes in religious attitudes and beliefs, but they are just not what is being headlined. Based on multiple reasons of definition, I honestly don’t think American religion is in trouble to anything like the extent that is suggested. Read More

Fewer Than Half of Americans Regularly Attend Church

Due to an almost 10-point drop in the past decade or so, America is no longer a majority church-attending nation. Read More

3 Myths about Church Unity

The bar on church unity may be a little higher than we think. While all-out church conflict is far too common, is it possible that we assume a quiet church is a healthy church? Is it possible that the peaceful church, whether sluggish or successful, is more divided than it may appear? Read More

5 Questions to Start a Meaningful Conversation With Anyone

These questions will help you get below the surface to the things that really matter. Read More

6 Primary Life Patterns of a Mature Leader

Maturity isn’t merely about age and experience. You can be young and mature, or older and immature. Maturity is an inner quality that resonates through all the components of a leader’s life. This doesn’t mean that a mature leader has “arrived.” We all have moments of immaturity, but it’s easy to identify the primary patterns of a mature leader. Read More

Breaking Free From the Rat Race

What does success mean for a Christian leader? Read More

Content Isn’t Everything — Or, Some Help for the Boring Bible Teacher

Here are three reasons why teachers of the Bible shouldn’t be boring—and four strategies to avoid boring teaching. Read More

How to Master Any Subject by Making it Interesting

Even after finishing school, this method has repeatedly proven helpful in transforming any subject from a drag to a delight. Here’s how it works.... Read More

When Church Is Optional, You Set up Your Kids to Fail

I believe that the problem is not the sport or hobby itself – the problem is often the forgetfulness of the parents. Read More

5 Key Elements for a Vibrant Children’s Ministry

Children’s ministry is a big job, and there is a lot too it, but if you focus on five core elements, you can build a world-class children’s ministry that will help you strengthen and grow your church. Read More

How to Stop Behavioral Issues in Your Ministry

Do you have behavioral issues in your room? Good news. I've got something you can do to change that. It's a simple, but highly effective way to see your behavioral issues go away. Here's what it is. Read More

Will the Largest Diaspora Become a Global Missionary Force?

The globalization of the Indian populace has built bridges for Indian Christians to engage the world at large. Read More

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