
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Beyond the Bible Belt and More

4 Realities of Church Life Beyond the Bible Belt

Here are four realities of church life beyond the Bible belt. Read More

“Get More People In The Room” Is Dead. Here’s What’s Replacing It

Size is no longer considered a sign of health by the average church member or spiritual seeker. Read More

5 Reasons Your Church Shouldn’t Copy a Mega-Church

There's a world of difference between adopting best practices and blindly copying. Read More

Church Planting Series: Creating a Culture of Multiplication

Multiplication always starts small. Read More

4 Things to Consider When Making a Tough Decision

Some quick advice on how to make hard choices. Read More

How Worried Should We Be about Pornography?

We need to talk more about pornography because it fuels sex trafficking and because it exists in and around our churches. Read More

The Myth Of Spontaneous Preaching

Some people think the work of the Holy Spirit is thwarted when the preacher makes an effort to improve his preaching. Read More

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