
Thursday, October 03, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Anatomy of a Revived Church and More

Anatomy of a Revived Church: Seven Findings of How Congregations Avoided Death [Podcast]

In this podcast Dr. Rainer unpacks his most recent research project that studied the revived church. The qualitative research reveals 7 characteristics of churches that have moved from dying to revived. Listen Now

Should a Pastor Leave One Church to Plant Another One? [Podcast]

How does a church planter consider transitioning to a new ministry after planting a healthy church? Listen Now

David Platt: In a Tiny House on a Remote Mountainside, I Saw the Church as God Designed It

Those who come have very little. But they have everything they need. Read More

The Case for Sermon-Centric Sundays

Preaching should remain the center piece of corporate worship for at least three reasons. Read More

3 Reasons to Read Scripture with the Church Fathers

Engagement with the generations that have gone before us helps us recognize that we aren’t alone in our struggles today. We must not fall for the false idea that we face spiritual and cultural challenges on our own. Read More
In consulting the church fathers, it is important to keep four things in mind. Their writings are no more inspired than our own. The fact that they lived closer to the apostolic age does mean their writings are free from error. They were fallible like the rest of us. While some church fathers used scripture in interpreting scripture, others took an allegorical approach to the interpretation of scripture. Their interpretation of scripture was a product of their own imagination: they read into scripture what could not be read out of it and which was at odds with what scripture said elsewhere. We should not assign authority to their writings more than they did themselves. They did not see their writings as being on the same level as the scriptures. When they recognized that they had erred, they sought to undo and correct the error.
The Deficit of Discipleship: How the American Church Is Off-Mission

How can megachurches or any church for that matter make disciples? Read More

How Can I Be More Fruitful for Christ?

Here are some ways (most of them unimpressive) to pursue fruitfulness for Jesus. Read More

Gen Z Evangelicals Still Express Their Faith at School, But Few Others Pay Attention

Teenage “nones” are less likely to notice Bible-reading, prayer, or evangelistic outreach in public schools. Read More

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