
Saturday, November 23, 2019

4 Keys to Replanting Rural Churches

There are no-name places all over the nation. These are places the rest of the world has forgotten about (it’s called fly-over country for a reason).

But in these places are people serving God faithfully who want to see the Kingdom of God expand. Not to mention scores of people who need Jesus. Read More

Related Articles, Podcasts, and Resources:
"Fun" with Facilities Text-Driven Preaching [Podcast]
Preaching Source
Visitor Follow-Up [Podcast]
Preaching in Rural Churches [Podcast]
Replanting Rural Churches Intro [Podcast]
Praying in Rural Churches [Podcast]
Passion in Rural Churches [Podcast]
Persevering in Rural Churches [Podcast]
Not Another Baptist Podcast
4 Tips for Praying in a Rural Church
Rural Replanting

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