
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #53

Preaching Is Worship, Not Performance

I’ve learned (okay, I’m learning) I’m not performing before an audience, I’m worshipping an audience of One! Read More

The Overlooked Answer To Powerful Preaching

Before the preacher can persuade any sinner to turn to Christ, he must first be persuaded himself. Read More

Prepare the Preacher Before Preparing the Sermon

Preparing the message you are going to preach is a hard process. I fall into the temptation every week to just jump right in whether that be on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. I have learned some important truths though. If I am not personally prepared spiritually, physically, and mentally to start this task then I will end up frustrated, unproductive, and unfulfilled. Here are some things I have learned to do to prepare myself before I prepare a sermon. Read More

Preaching That Connects The Dots: The Cross, The Sermon And Discipleship

Personal identification and participation with Jesus marks the life of each disciple—past, present and future. Read More

Too Many Listeners Hear Blah, Blah While We Try To Present Wow, Wow!

Part of the preacher's role is to slow people down and to help them make sense of what the text is actually saying. Read More

5 Reasons I Often Begin a Sermon with a Personal Illustration

Chuck Lawless explains why he often begins a sermon with some kind of personal illustration. Read More

Practice Your Sermon Delivery? Yes: 7 Elements Of Great Practice

Three factors have made the biggest positive difference for me: preparing my heart before the Lord, scheduling adequate study time to avoid feeling rushed and practicing preaching my sermon. Read More

Four Different Communication Styles and How Each Can Improve

Over the last 20 years, I have coached business leaders, preachers and teachers on how to make their next presentation their best presentation. During this time, I’ve noticed there are four presenter voices and that we usually have one of these as a primary voice. When we discover which one of these four voices is our dominant voice, it allows us to leverage the strength of that voice while avoiding the weakness. This helps in a variety of ways but most importantly it helps in our preparation process. This is why discovering your presenter voice is so important. The better you prepare, the better you present. Read More

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