
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Anglicans Ablaze Turns 16 in 2020

Sweet Sixteen
In 2020 Anglicans Ablaze* will be celebrating its sixteenth year in existence. Anglicans Ablaze was launched in 2004. Originally launched as a news and commentary blog devoted to developments in the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and the extramural Anglican churches, Anglicans Ablaze has evolved over the past fifteen years. Its mission is summed up in the blog description in the header at the top of the front page of the blog— “Committed to building up the Christ’s Church in North America and beyond.” This statement has defined the focus of the blog for the last few years.

Early in the life of the blog I recognized the need to change the focus of the blog. There were a number of news and commentary blogs devoted to developments in the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and the extramural Anglican churches. There was no blog devoted to linking those planting and pioneering new Anglican churches or remissioning existing ones with helpful information and resources or analyzing the merits and faults of the newly-formed Anglican entities and suggesting corrective measures. For the better part of the past two decades I have sought to meet this need. God willing, Anglicans Ablaze will be fulfilling its present mission for the foreseeable future.

Anglicans Ablaze's mission is not limited to building up one tradition within Christ's Church but the whole church. It is hoped that the information and resources to which links are posted on the blog and my own articles will benefit all Christians who are committed to spreading the gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
*Anglicans Ablaze has no connection with the South African renewal movement with the same name launched in 2010, six years after Anglicans Ablaze was launched. Its adoption of the same name and its launching of a Facebook page under that name is one of the reasons that Anglicans Ablaze does not have a Facebook page.

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