
Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Kingdom-centric Church and More

Four Marks of a Kingdom-centric Church

A church existing for the Kingdom of God will always be reminiscent of a heroic, rescue mission for one very loved and lost lamb. Read More

What Research Tells Us About the ‘Seal’ of Believer’s Baptism

A new study suggests that the rite doesn’t bind young Christians to a certain level of faith commitment, but to a faith community. Read More
This study strengthens the case for credobaptism. Very few people baptized as infants have any recollection of their baptism and the rite of confirmation is too often performed in a perfunctory manner.
12 Lies American Evangelicals Believe

Evangelical Christians are supposedly united in their belief that only those who believe the gospel—that Jesus Christ died on the cross for humanity’s sins and rose from the dead three days later—will be saved. But not all who identify as evangelicals even believe this about God. Read More
This study may be three years old but it draws attention to a major problem in North America's evangelical churches--theological illiteracy.
Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Replacement Theology

It isn’t replacement but fulfillment. Read More

7 Overlooked Needs of Church Planters 

How can your local established church support a planter in your area and keep them on the mission field? Here are a few ideas of overlooked needs most church planters have and ways you can meet those needs. Read More

Understanding Transgender, Non-Binary, and Intersex

We’re in the middle of a tough series on sexuality and gender, and I want to warn you up front: this is going to be perhaps the most difficult message in the series. It’s good to acknowledge that up front. We’re going to talk about transgender, non-binary, and intersex issues and people. This is a very complicated topic, and I am a learner. I don’t want to speak beyond my level of knowledge, and I want to approach this topic as carefully and accurately as I can. Read More

Why Your Youth Group Needs Generational Integration

We see in Scripture two realities that should shape our approach to youth ministry. One is that when God’s people gather to worship, all the generations tend to be included. The other is that faith being passed from one generation to the next is the Lord’s intention. The family is the primary place for this, but the assembly of believers is also part of the process. Through these we know that younger generations grow up understanding what it means to be in God’s covenant community. If a church decides to take seriously the patterns and instructions seen in God’s Word, then the task is to move from segregated or associated into a more integrated model of youth ministry. The process for doing this includes educating, including, and raising expectations. Read More

Four Unique Approaches to Church Outreach That Are Gaining Traction

Though the ways to reach a community are seemingly unending, allow me to share four that seem to be growing in use and effectiveness. Read More

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