
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Understanding the Growth of Non-Religious Affiliated Americans and More

What to Understand about Christianity’s Decline in America [Podcast]

Last month, Pew Research Center published survey data from 2018 and 2019 on religion and Americans. The big takeaway: the number of non-religiously affiliated Americans was growing; the number of Christians was declining. Here’s how they summed it up.... Listen Now

Seven Important Scorecards for Revitalization [Podcast]

Measurements are important. Numbers tell us where we have been and where we might be headed. Thom and Kevin take this episode to discuss 7 important metrics that should be included on a church revitalization scorecard. Listen Now

Should Your Church Stop Having a Stand and Greet Time

What is it about this stand and greet time that many guests don’t like? Here are the seven most common responses, again listed in order of frequency. Read More

Keeping Your Advent Preaching Fresh [Podcast]

Kyle and Matt are all by themselves on this episode. No special guests, just the two of us waxing eloquently on ways to keep your Advent preaching fresh. Whether you're a hard-core Text-driven guy or all-in on all things Advent, you'll find something for you on this chat. Enjoy! Listen Now

Pray for Christians in These Five Countries Where the Persecution Is Extreme

Did you know one of the most common requests of persecuted Christians is that people would pray for them? Around the world today, Christians are suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. They may not have the ability to write us letters and ask for our prayers, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if our persecuted brothers and sisters were also those who received the most support through intercessory prayer. Here are five countries where the persecution of Christians is considered the most extreme. Open Doors has provided several helpful suggestions for how to pray for people in each of these countries. Read More

55 Years of Evangelism... We Still Have a Ton to Learn

At the Luis Palau Association, we’ve spent the last 55 years talking about evangelism. In the last year, we’ve decided to stop talking about evangelism. Why? Because positioning ourselves as learners enables us to discover some of the best ways people are evangelizing today. Read More

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