
Thursday, November 28, 2019

What You Believe Affects How You Live

Surrounded by the Colorado mountains, Lauryn Maloney-Gepfert is teaching people how to walk. Or rather, I should say, she is teaching people how to walk…again. The physician’s assistant developed a program called Neuroplastic Functional Training (NFT) and the results are nothing short of miraculous. People with debilitating injuries were beating insurmountable odds. Patients whose prognosis was lifelong paralysis, who were told that, at best, they might be able to feed themselves, were now fully functioning, walking, even getting up from the ground unassisted.

They relearned how to walk through Maloney-Gepfert’s whole-person approach. She found that recovery was indeed possible, but it had to include all aspects of a person’s being. Her method focuses on physical movement (the body), neuroplasticity (the brain), and one more element – the mind.

She explained that patients begin the healing with mental barriers that impede their recovery. These barriers inhibit the brain from changing and, as a result, keep the body from moving. Someone who hears she will never walk again and accepts that message inhibits her brain from relearning how to function.

Maloney-Gepfert discovered that what we believe about ourselves affects how our brain neurologically functions, which quite literally affects how we live. Our minds consciously choose what messages it accepts about ourselves, which changes our brains, which changes how we live. In other words, a vital factor in whether a paralyzed patient will ever walk again is what she believes. Before she can go from immobile to fully-functioning, she has to believe that she will walk again.

As I heard these miraculous stories, I thought of how much this applies to spiritual change. Our minds choose what we will believe, which changes how we think, and changes how we live. Read More

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