
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Issues in Contemporary Worship

4 Reasons to Plan Worship Around the Word

What is the rationale for singing the songs you do in worship? On what basis do you say yes to one song or no to another? For me, it’s very simple. The songs we sing on Sunday are selected not based on a song’s style, but on the text I’m preaching. Read More
In his article Andrew Hébert overlooks two other important considerations in the selection of hymns and songs for a worship gathering--the juncture in the service in which the hymn or song will be sung and the occasion or season of the church year. Some hymns and songs can be used at a variety of junctures in the service. Others, however, are suited for only a particular juncture in the service--at the opening of the service, between the lessons, after the sermon, during the Lord's Supper, or at the close of the service. In churches that observe the Christian calendar of festivals and seasons, the particular festival or season should also be considered in the selection of  hymns and songs. A well-planned service strikes a balance between all these considerations. It also strikes a balance between the didactic and the doxological.
The Crucial Discipline Church Leaders Often Neglect on Sundays

We don’t have to be so focused on the sermon we are about to preach that we can’t sing and pray with the congregation. We shouldn’t neglect these aspects of worship as if we don’t need them. We can, and should, worship the Lord together. Here are five reasons I make worshipping with the congregation I serve a priority. Read More

Music and Your Brain, Worship and Your Heart

The thing about music is that it deeply shapes us—often without us recognizing the full extent of its influence. Read More

4 Reasons Modern Worship Services Should Engage the Emotions

Churches, on the whole, should be infusing more emotional engagement into their worship services and not less. Read More
In addition, a well-planned service strikes a balance between head and heart.
Analog Vs. Digital Mixer – The Great Debate 

Analog Vs. Digital Mixer? Both an analog mixer and a digital mixer can deliver fantastic sound, but they represent different ways of thinking about the process and the finished result. There are some musicians who are die-hard analog enthusiasts who swear that they will never go digital. They believe the analog components sound superior to digital, i.e., that they give a warmer and richer sound. Yet others prefer digital mixers. Read More

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