
Saturday, November 09, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #52

In this selection of articles I have included several articles that I recently posted on Anglicans Ablaze. I thought that it would be a good idea to bring them together with a number of new articles in this edition of "Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers."

Pastors: Don’t Assume Everyone Knows What You’re Talking About

Why you need to explain things when you preach.... Read More

10 Pointers For Older Preachers

To stay effective in the preaching ministry, we need the humble, hearing heart of novice. Read More

Rick Warren's Advice For Stronger Sermon Points

What you learned in seminary isn't the only way to develop great sermons. Rick Warren offers practical advice based on years of experience. Read More

Less Is More: Improve Tomorrow's Sermon By Making It Shorter

Few public speakers can keep an audience's attention for an hour. Fewer should even try. Read More

Saturday Night And Your Sermon Stinks—what To Do?

First, don't panic! Second, here's help! Read More

Preaching: God's Gift To Our Personal Growth

God has inspired His word in such a way that it shapes us, molds us and forms us as we hear it taught and expounded. Read More

Slow Down! And Connect Your Preaching To Lectio Divina

If we re-cast preaching as a kind of "slow reading," we might lead our congregations into deeper engagement with the biblical text--and with one another.Read More

How Long Should It Take To Prepare Your Sermon?

How could there be only one answer? Charles Stone suggests five factors to consider. Read More

4 Threats To Every Sermon You Preach

The reason we have to work harder to gain and keep attention has to do with what competes for the attention of our people every time we preach. Read More

Inject Grace Into Your Next Sermon—here Are Four Ways

It's true: We can preach grace to the point of ignoring the truth. But that's not usually our problem. Read More

How (And Why) To Preach An Offensive Sermon

Every church has to choose whether it is willing to hear from God or to be rocked to sleep by the Lord's messenger. Read More

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