
Saturday, November 09, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Be a Good Neighbor' and More

Be a Good Neighbor

We are called to be neighbors. There is no one for whom we can absolve ourselves from being neighborly. Read More

3 Ways to Stay Christian During the Election Season

Barring an abstention from or ambivalence about politics altogether, how can we avoid getting caught up in the fray? How can Christians participate in our electoral privileges, and even discuss and debate relevant issues, without compromising our witness? Here are three ways I’d suggest we can wisely engage in the upcoming election cycle without losing perspective on what matters more than who wins or loses. Read More

Another Way for Immigration Reform? How Evangelicals Can Help Lead It

Evangelical Call for Restitution-Based Immigration Reform allows evangelicals to voice their support. Read More

9 Things You Should Know About the Armenian Genocide

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 296, a resolution “recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923.” A total of 405 representatives voted for the bill, while only 11 voted against it and three voted “present.” Here is what you should know about one of the most horrific atrocities against Christians in modern times. Read More

Circuit Rider: Intentional Spirituality (Nov/Dec/January 2019-20)

"Intentional spirituality has a way of touching each aspect of our Christian identity as we move between the internal and external, the individual and communal. Our careful attention to our disciplines can lead us to spiritual growth within and without. In this issue, we look to the lyrical, literary, and intentional quality of our daily lives as created and faithful beings." Read Articles

What It Was Like Inside the Homes of the Pilgrims

Take a look at how the Pilgrims who left England in pursuit of the religious freedom lived in the New World. View Slides

4 Things that Caused the Early Church to Spread Like Wildfire

If we look closely at Acts 1:1–14, we can find four characteristics of the early church that we can apply to our own lives. Read More

Nearly Half of Young Adults with Ties to Christianity Say Church Can’t Answer Their Questions: Survey

Extensive new research from The Barna Group shows that nearly half of young adults worldwide who have a connection to Christianity feel that the Church can’t answer their questions. Read More
Also see Millennials, Gen Z Growing More Uncomfortable with LGBT Movement: Survey and Report Projects 35 Million Youth to Leave Christianity by 2050; Greg Stier Responds
UMC's Western Jurisdiction Announces 'Safe Harbor' for LGBTQ Clergy

The bishops of the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church have declared their churches a “safe harbor” for LGBTQ clergy. The Safe Harbor Declaration was announced Wednesday (Nov. 6) as United Methodists’ Council of Bishops wrapped up its autumn meeting in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Read More

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