
Saturday, December 21, 2019

15 Good News Trends from the 2010s - LINK NOW WORKING

For a group whose name is rooted in “good news,” we evangelicals can often be overly focused on bad news. This isn’t entirely our fault, of course. From mass shootings to terrorist attacks, political incompetence to racial unrest, there has been no shortage of bad news stories over the past 10 years. Death, destruction, and divisiveness tend to dominate the news cycle, leading us to despair over the direction our world is headed.

But while we should not ignore the bad news, neither should we overlook the good news. We serve a sovereign God who governs all things. As Lamentations 3:37 asks, “Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it?”

Over the past decade, God has provided a range of blessings that have changed a negative trend to a positive one, improving our lives and the lives of our global neighbors. As we reflect on the end of the 2010s, we should give thanks to God for these 15 “good news” trends. Read More

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