
Saturday, December 21, 2019

U.S. House Paves the Way to Repeal the Church 'Parking Lot Tax'

Church parking lots will no longer mean tax headaches for churches if a recent spending bill becomes law.

On Dec. 17, the House of Representatives voted 297-120 in favor of a spending bill that includes a rescinding of Section 512(a)(7) of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 that requires churches and other nonprofits to pay a 21% tax on employee benefits like parking spaces.

“It’s not every day that Congress finds bipartisan areas of agreement. Thankfully, the House did just that, repealing the parking lot tax on nonprofits and houses of worship in their appropriations bill” said Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which lobbied against the tax.

The appropriations package now moves to the U.S. Senate where Moore is hopeful for a similar result.

“Churches must not be seen as untapped sources of government revenue,” he said. “I am grateful for the House leadership and the members who worked hard for this tax to be repealed and look forward to this burden being lifted from nonprofits around the country.” Read More

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