
Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday's Catch: Christmas Outreach Ideas and More

Christmas Outreach Ideas [Podcast]

Kyle and Matt share some ideas and tips for Christmas Outreach. Listen Now

10 Creative Christmas Outreach Ideas from Churches Like Yours

‘Tis the season, and churches around the country are implementing all kinds of unique Christmas outreach ideas in order to share the good news of Jesus and love those around them. Read More

One Key Reason Many Churches Are Fighting Attendance Decline (Update) [Podcast]

We hear more and more about attendance frequency becoming a pain point for many churches. After over a decade of having this conversation, Thom and Sam discuss the one key reason many churches are still fighting attendance declines. Listen Now

How a Denomination Helped Its Churches to Break the 200 Barrier

An interview with Phil Chorlian of the Vineyard Churches. Read More

6 Marks of a Church Culture That Deeply Changes Lives

The church of Jesus Christ needs a dramatic shift of culture. And that culture needs to be radically different from that of the world. Sadly, that is not the reality in most of our churches. Read More

Why Fellowship Meals Often Miss the Mark

Let me start this post with a caveat. I believe in church fellowship dinners. The early church shared meals together, and so should we. At the same time, though, I think we often miss the point with these meals. Here’s why.... Read More

2 Ways Pastors Can Honor the Past While Pushing Towards the Future [Video]

When a new pastor comes into an established church there can be tension as the new pastor tries to implement change, In this video, Pastor Matt Capps gives two pieces of advice for how pastors can honor the past and tradition of the church while also pushing the church forward and expanding its ministry. Watch Now

One Important Question for Social-Media Use

Will we use social media as an opportunity to honor God and love others—or to serve ourselves and our own agenda? Read More

6 Tips for Sharing Christ with Skeptics

What’s the best way to share the gospel with skeptics? To answer this question, I offer six imperatives. Read More

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