
Friday, December 13, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #55

What Are You Doing To Raise Up The Next Generation Of Preachers?

Provide opportunities for the next generation. Read More

How Leading Worship Shaped My Calling To Preach

While leading worship I learned to cast aside a crutch, one that many preachers should discard, as well. Read More

10 Reasons Ministry Isn't For Wimps

Check out this list. Do you still want to be a pastor? If so, then God has probably called you to the ministry. Read More

Is Some Preaching A Waste Of Time?

If a farmer knew which field was going to produce and which would do poorly, he could save himself a lot of time and trouble. Read More

Is Preaching Scary? 10 Reasons It Just Might Be

Ten important reasons to never let yourself become cavalier about your preaching. Read More

Your 7-Step Survival Guide To Preaching Multiple Services

These practices will help you make sure you preach your best at every service, every Sunday. Read More

Keeping Sermons Fresh

Occasionally changing your delivery can "srpuce up" your sermons. Read More

How Not to Spice Up Your Sermons

Every pastor wants to keep his sermons fresh, to hold his audience’s attention, but is every approach equally valid? Read More

Try New Delivery Methods

Even with a commitment to expository preaching that is faithful to the biblical text, there is nothing in the pages of scripture that mandates the preacher preaching every sermon in the same exact mode of delivery. Indeed, there may be times when the occasion calls for using some variety in presenting biblical truth. Read More

10 Things I've Learned About Preaching

Pastor Daniel Grothe shares 10 things he's learned from preaching weekly. Read More

Changes to Make in Sermon Preparation

Have you ever heard this saying when someone needs some help and they call you up explaining “my ox is in the ditch?” I would like to offer some help in getting the ox out of the ditch when it comes to sermon prep. Read More

Preaching Difficult Texts

Whatever the challenges of a difficult text, there are important principles that can help us. Read More

The Need to Preach Seldom-Preached Texts

Clint Ellis gives three reasons why we should preach seldom-preached passages. Read More

God Doesn't Need Cops In The Pulpit--He Needs Preachers

There's a big difference between drawing a crowd and preaching a sermon. The church is desperate for life-giving preachers. Read More

The Infallible Word Of God? Millennials Are Not Just Taking Your Word For It

Young non-Christians don't simply disagree with the inerrancy of the Bible; they are skeptical of people who make claims like that. Read More

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