
Saturday, December 07, 2019

Measles More Dangerous Than Experts Had Thought UPDATED

Measles may be even more dangerous than doctors had thought. Researchers reported last week that the disease destroys immunity that the victim has developed to fight off other infections.

The researchers’ findings help to explain why children often catch other infectious diseases after having measles. The findings also show the dangers of growing resistance to childhood vaccination in some countries. Read More

Also See:
The Budding Doctor Who Died of Measles New
WHO Denounces 'Collective Failure' as Measles Kills 140,000
For 27 years I was involved in child welfare work in the State of Louisiana. It is bad enough when children's parents and care-givers do not have access to adequate medical care. It is much worse when they do have access to such care but do not for a variety of reasons take advantage of it. Childhood diseases can led to a lifetime of health problems. Not only does the individual suffer but so does the whole community and ultimately the entire nation.

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