
Saturday, December 07, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: The Berry Bucket and More

The Berry Bucket and How It Often Causes Church Conflict [Podcast]

What in the world is a Berry Bucket? If you don’t think this is a relevant topic for your church join Thom and Sam Rainer as they discuss the Berry Bucket and how it is often the source of church conflict. Listen Now

Top 10 “Basic” Relationship Skills

Getting along with people can be more complicated than it appears. If it were easy, everybody would be good at it! How you treat people, how they treat you, what makes it work well, and why it doesn’t work when it doesn’t is always important to consider. Read More

How Do Spiritual Gifts Connect to Church Roles?

Evangelicals make a recurring mistake when it comes to spiritual gifts. When they talk about gifts, they invariably think in terms of abilities and talents only. This is a repeated problem of people separating gifts from the roles that those gifts are for. The result of thinking about gifts only in terms of abilities or talents is that people can claim that they are unqualified for roles simply because they can display a talent. Read More

10 Lessons from Online Seminary

This article may ruffle the feathers of those who teach, attend, or believe in mandated on-campus seminary training, but don’t get too fired up just yet. Let’s start by agreeing on this: physically going to seminary can be vitally important for a ministry leader. Read More
Seminary, judicatory-based, online, and in-house training should, in this blogger's estimation, be a part of an integrated approach for equipping Christians for the work of ministry.
What Happens When We Sing Together

How do I recharge my spiritual battery? Where is my spiritual energy refreshed in order for me to meet yet another week of temptations and trials? This was the topic on the table for Pastor John earlier in the year when he was ministering in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Read More

World Migration Report

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) periodically releases the World Migration Report, one the most important studies on global migration. They just released the 2020 findings. Read More

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About the Fairness for All Act

Yesterday, Chris Stewart, a Republican congressman from Utah, introduced the Fairness for All Act (FFA), legislation that attempts to find a balance between religious liberty and sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) laws. The FFA is a compromise bill co-sponsored by nine Congressional Republicans and offered as an alternative to the Democrat-supported Equality Act. Read More

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