
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Preaching Tips for Christmas -- and Much, Much More

15 Short, Great Tips for Christmas Preaching

There’s no shortage of advice for preaching at Christmas. Peter Mead of offers 15 practical suggestions. One or two are sure to fit your needs. Read More

Looking For A Last-Minute Christmas Sermon Idea? Keep It Simple, Keep It Weird

One of the challenges of preaching for Christmas is holding two very different truths in hand without falling into one of two traps. Read More

5 Steps to a Great Last-Minute Christmas Sermon Idea

If you're scrambling to find a fresh idea from the Christmas story for Sunday and Christmas Eve, these steps might help. Read More

20 Ways to Keep Christmas Sermons Fresh and Innovative

Here are some possible approaches to preaching the Christmas story. Hopefully, some of these ideas and themes will help you to keep Christmas from becoming common to your congregation. Read More

That Might Preach, But...

We must preach the Word, not conjecture. And there’s no holiday from that, even at Christmas. Read More

Check Your Sermon Today For Three Things You Must Have Tomorrow

Even great content needs careful structure and presentation. Here's a three-point checklist that will improve any message. Read More

5 Habits for Growing as a Preacher

While I was the beneficiary of one formal preaching course, my preparation to preach has emerged through reading, observing, and trial and error. Along the way, I’ve identified five habits that’ve helped me in the preaching process. Read More

Three Prayers to Pray after You Preach

Having spent plenty of time in a classroom and behind a pulpit, I’ve learned to pray for three things early in the week before gearing up for another round of sermon preparation. Read More

Stir the Imagination, One Sermon at a Time

Abraham Cho examines the place of imagination in preaching. Read More

Committing the Sermon to Memory

Choosing the right word has a profound effect on your ability to remember that word as you are mastering your sermon. The more coherent the thoughts, the more those points depend on one another thematically, the stickier the sermon will be for you and for your audience. Read More

Incorporating Surprise into Your Sermon

One characteristic of excellent communication today is through incorporating surprise into your sermon. Keep listeners engaged and desiring to hear more. Surprise them along the way so your listeners will hear the truth of the Gospel in fresh, innovative, inspiring ways. Read More

5 Things I Do Before I Preach

Ron Edmondson shares the Sunday morning routines that best help him prepare to preach. Read More

Reasons for Planning Your Preaching

Respectfully, I am a planner; one has to be to shepherd a church. My planning, however, is more quarterly than yearly. I plan my preaching series with these three motivating reasons in mind.... Read More

How to Schedule a Year of Pulpit Work

Preaching is always a challenging task. The preacher who has the privilege and responsibility to stand before a congregation each week—or even multiple times each week— faces the challenge of being prepared when the preaching time arrives. One practice that makes this challenge easier is the advance planning of one’s preaching. The purpose of this article is to address how to schedule a year of pulpit work. Read More

Is It Necessary to Prepare a Year-Long Sermon Calendar?

Since preaching is central to our calling and our pastoral role, developing a plan for preaching is essential. Hoping for a last minute blast of inspiration leading to a Saturday night special might work occasionally, but everyone knows those specials aren’t really that special. Read More

How Often Should the Preacher Plan for "Special Days"?

A shepherd knows his sheep and how to lead them to the best pastures. He knows the habits of his flock, the distractions along their path, and their deficiencies. Thus, he plans ahead to make certain the sheep graze on the choicest grass, take the right path, that their habits do not become harmful, and he sees to it they are strengthened in weaknesses. The pastor must take the same care in leading his church. His preaching plan anticipates the protection, guidance, and nourishment of the souls in his flock, and it is good for him to consider the special occasions that arise along a fifty-two-week journey in a preaching calendar. This is one way he ensures he is leading them into the will of God through the preaching ministry. Read More

Preaching from Luke

If you have never preached through a book of the Bible, you have missed a great inspiration, and your church has missed a great experience. A pastor should preach through at least one book of the Bible each year, and no book promises more challenge and rewarding satisfaction than preaching from Luke. Read More

Is It Necessary To Preach Divine Wrath?

Strangely enough, it is merciless to withhold the declaration of divine vengeance. Read More

Wedding? Funeral? Baby Dedication? 10 Pointers For Special Occasions

#1 is good: "It isn't about you." (The next nine are better.) Read More

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