
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Transience and Church Planting and More

Transience and Church Planting

Ask me what the biggest challenge is in my church planting experience and I’ll probably give you an answer something like this.... Read More

When Is a Church Too Far Gone? [Podcast]

In this podcast Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton answer questions from podcast listeners specifically dealing with churches struggling to make needed changes. The real question is, “Is my church too far gone?” Listen Now
Related Podcast: Understanding the Differences between Church Adoption, Church Fostering, and Church Revitalization
5 Christmas Truths for Plateaued and Dying Churches

In North America, more churches than not are plateaued or declining. That fact doesn’t mean, though, that those churches have nobody who’s praying for God to revive them. In fact, church revitalization is a growing commitment movement today. For those churches needing revitalization, maybe these reflections about Christmas will give you hope.... Read More

What is Biblical Theology?

Biblical Theology, simply put, is the theology of the Bible. That is, it is not our own theology but that of the biblical writers themselves. It is their convictions about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and God’s work in human history as revealed in the writings of Scripture. Read More

Paul Says, “Put on the New Man.” What Does That Mean?

Sometimes familiar language in the Bible loses its meaning because it is so familiar. One example is Paul’s command to “put on the new man” (Eph 4:24). What does that even mean? And why should it be so important for how we live our lives as the context of Ephesians indicates? Read More

How to Master the Language of Leadership

If the response to your leadership message is a blank stare, it could be that you have not yet mastered the language of leadership. Read More

If I Were a Pastor Again at Christmas Time

If I were the pastor, once again, of a church during the Christmas season, here are a few things I would do.... Read More

15 Thoughts to Consider if Your Church is Having a Christmas Eve Service Next Week

Because questions about a Christmas Eve service come up every year, here are my thoughts to consider if your church is planning a Christmas Eve service next week. I published many of these thoughts last year but have added a few for this year. Read More

A Church with Great Music

A church with a truly great music program is the one where the people sing—they really sing. Read More

Disciplemaking: How Do Evangelism and Discipleship Go Together?

If we are going to use the term discipleship to talk about helping believers mature, our focus has to be more mission driven and evangelistically focused. Read More

On Mission for Christmas

The natural drift of the church is to turn increasingly inward. The role of its leaders is to keep turning it outward, over and over again, keeping the focus on the mission—to serve the least and the lost. Read More

Poll: Americans Want Christmas Celebrated in Schools

While some public school officials may be wary of wishing students a “Merry Christmas,” a new survey finds Americans are as supportive as ever. Read More

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